IRLP Reflector 0076
David Snow KD6RGX
List of connected nodes
Log of nodes recently keying up the reflector
This is a one channel reflector
To connect, simply dial 0076 on your IRLP node
But first,
make sure you have the following statement in the environment file
of your IRLP node computer
Helpful Tutorial for IRLP Beginners
IRLP tutorial for beginners
Download the PDF file of the tutorial
Gary McDuffie notes and commands for IRLP
IRLP YouTube Help videos
Dave Murphy KF7MLE Debian 8 install Instructions on Intel
Build your own Raspberry Pi IRLP node with VPN
Go to the "build your own pi" web page
wiring diagram for Nano-node to Alinco radio
Links to all the popular ham Voice Over IP (voip) systems
IRLP system
Allstar system
Echolink system
Speakfreely VOIP software
Yaesu Wires-X
Software Zip File Downloads
Download Putty and Winscp
Speak Freely for Windows
Ispeaker Imike for Linux (not for the Pi)
Ispeaker Imike for Linux for Raspberry Pi
Buy an IRLP node instead of building one
The Nano Node - ultra small IRLP node ready to go - includes the radio
The Embedded node - no radio included
The Raspberry Pi node - no radio included